Matrix RegenerationTherapy:
Over the last several decades, increasing pollution and destruction in our environment has led to a complete transformation of clinical symptoms for certain diseases, as new symptoms emerge and older symptoms disappear. The days of textbook disease progression are hard to follow, and as a result, we must possibly support diseases in other ways.
The matrix is the basic regulatory system of the organism and contains around 80% of the total cell mass. It is the energy supply and waste disposal system of organ cells, and, at the same time, home to the body’s immune system. Due to its fundamental importance with regard to health, it is possibly a target point of therapy, in case of many diseases.
Matrix regeneration therapy (MRT) is an instrument, which combines multiple therapies such as cupping, gua sha, chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy, Biophysical Information Therapy (BIT), biofeedback, pulsed magnetic field therapy and many others. This non-invasive procedure is safe and regularly used to possibly improve detoxification / lymphatic drainage (elimination of toxins), regeneration of cells, and general wellbeing.
MRT can be possibly supportive toward environmental stresses on our health. This form of support can be possibly helpful to strengthen the patient with chronic issues. Additionally, MRT can possibly prepare the patient for other forms of therapies (and can be used in conjunction with them), such as acupuncture, osteopathy, chiropractic, homeopathy etc., which in the end can possibly support their effectiveness.
Throughout the process of MRT, possible immune system reactions are stimulated, which may be important for transposition of the matrix. The matrix is our most basic regulatory system, which unites the cells of organs. Therefore, if it is not functioning properly, the organ cells are possibly vulnerable. A possible supportive therapy approach might include restoring the normal functioning of this basic regulatory system, by relieving the matrix of any inflammation, accumulated waste, and toxic substances. MRT can possibly support the organism in a beneficial manner where the regulatory ability is supported and the goal would be to remove blockades towards health.
MRT aims to possibly detoxify the body and may be supportive to many of today’s common chronic health conditions. With many environmental chemical toxins such as heavy metals, herbicides and pesticides consistently around us, it is easy to see how the body becomes overwhelmed and uses its storage deposits (fatty or connective tissue) to temporarily hold toxins. The problem may arise as these temporary holding areas become permanent. These substances stored in the body may possibly cause a variety of disorders that range from a slight burden to total blockages and severe chronic disease.
Matrix Regeneration Therapy is possibly a supportive option for those that suffer from toxic “depot-clogging” ailments like rheumatism, gout, skin disorders, etc. The therapy is a combination treatment that possibly aims to “unclog” these deposits.
MRT 503 – the 3rd Generation by Dr. Bodo Köhler MD
The 3rd generation MRT 503 has the following synergistically working components being applied simultaneously for overall support:
Pulse synchronous vacuum gives possible relief of the capillaries and supports microcirculation and lymph drainage
Rhythmical vacuuming massage to support the lymph flow and increase the order in the tissue
Red light (630nm) penetrating the resonance field of the cytoplasm, core, and mitochondria, which can possibly increase the energy levels
Direct current (DC), dually modulated, which acts as an electron deliverer in the absorption spectrum of the membranes
Pulsating magnetic field for the stimulation of the ionization energy, which is supportive for transportation into the tissues
Signal processing in the device with transformation of possible pathological into physiological (non pathological) oscillations
Transmission of the 4 regulators of cell metabolism, which possibly balances the system
Transmitting of additional information of the white noise frequency band for the possible support of detoxification metabolism, especially for phase II detoxification pathways
Biofeedback of disturbance fields, which possibly helps the corresponding brain areas
The MRT indications cover a broad spectrum and the process possibly strengthens the connective tissue, possibly strengthens and firms the treated tissue, and possibly indirectly subsides venous problems accompanied by congestive symptoms (varicose veins). The treatment can possibly support stress-induced pain. Matrix Regeneration Therapy may be possibly supportive when applied to different conditions, as it works broadly to possibly support overall wellness.
During the standard MRT treatment, the patient lies relaxed, on their stomach and a pulse sensor it attached to their finger. The specialized hand applicator device (which transmits all aspects of the supportive components stated above) is run across the back in a figure eight or segmentally. The suction may cause some minor pain for those with sensitivities, but strength can be adjusted or turned off it needed. You may experience some redness on the back from the suction, which is normal and wanted.
Furthermore, with continual treatment, one can note a very rapid decrease of the reddened skin streaks, which might, at the outset of treatments, have been more pronounced (petechiae) and been visible for days after treatment; this is a sign of possible advancing tissue regeneration. In all, the treatment takes approximately 20-30 minutes, and most patients find it to be relaxing.
When supporting chronically ill patients, it possibly happens that (sometimes very) old complaints remerge. This “layers of the onion” effect, this possible turning back of the biological clock, and the organism’s renewed confrontation with chronic stresses is a possibly sign of natural healing. This effect can possibly be observed with the most diverse clinical pictures depending mainly on the individual constitution. The therapy is usually performed on the back, but can be used on the abdomen, joints, thighs, etc. The treatments are usually spaced 1-2 per week over 6-12 weeks.
***Please drink a lot of fluids after treatment, in order to facilitate the possible excretion of the dissolved waste substances***